Sunday, 30 March 2014

Friday the 28th

Unfortunately at 1pm on Friday the 28th I decided to put a on hold my challenge. My mood had dipped a ridiculous amount that I could not speak to anyone and anyone who did speak to me I snapped at them. So for the sake of any friendships I still have I've had to stop.

At the start of the challenge I hadn't taken into account that it was not just my stomach that it would affect. It has taught me to have a tremendous amount of respect for those in this situation or worse. How they cope on a daily basis I do not know, I guess maybe your body gets used to the lack of nutrition and food but it must be a long journey to get there.

I will participate in this challenge again in the future but this time I will attempt to eat healthily and remain happy!

I suggest everyone takes the challenge to see if they can cope on 1 pound a day for 5 days and let me know their results!

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